The amount of time people spend sleeping is linked with two regions of their DNA, a new study
In the study, researchers examined data from more than 47,000 people of European ancestry who were participating in ongoing studies in Europe, the United States and Australia, and nearly 5,000 African-Americans. The researchers compared people's genetic information with how long they reported sleeping on an average night.
The first of the two regions was associated with longer-than-average sleeping times, the new study showed. In previous research, this region has also been linked with better glucose
"Sleep patterns are influenced by genetic differences," said study author Dr. Daniel Gottlieb, the director of the Sleep Disorders Center at VA Boston Healthcare System. "This study is one of the first to begin identifying these genetic differences, and will hopefully help us better understand the causes of sleep disorders and their relation to other important conditions, such as diabetes and psychiatric disorders
Previous research has linked both sleeping too much and sleeping too little with health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, psychiatric
In an October 2013 study, researchers at the Centers for Disease
The researchers do not know what underlying mechanisms may explain the observed association between sleep duration and the two genetic regions identified in the new study, Gottlieb said. "This will require more detailed study of these regions of DNA," he said.
However, the researchers speculated that the first gene region identified in the study (the one associated with longer sleep duration) may influence sleep patterns by regulating thyroid hormone levels. The DNA region is located close to a gene called PAX8, which is involved in thyroid development and function. Moreover, people with hypothyroidism — a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones — are prone to excessive sleepiness, whereas those with hyperthyroidism (in which the thyroid makes too much of the hormone) may have insomnia, the researchers wrote in the study.
However, because the timing and duration of sleep are strongly influenced by environmental factors such as work schedule and other social demands, "large numbers of individuals must be studied in order to separate out genetic influences," Gottlieb said.
The new study was published today (Dec. 2) in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.