If you find it hard to sleep sometimes, you are not alone. The good news is, there are certain foods that can help you sleep easily. Know these foods to help you sleep the right time. (Photo : Getty Images )
Cheese and crackers are foods that can help you sleep. Earlier, we have known that warm milk can stimulate sleep. But the reason behind this is all dairy food sources can actually help. Dairy is rich in calcium that aids in the release of sleep-triggering melatonin by tryptophan.
Lettuce contains lactucarium, an effective sedative. Lettuce can be added to salads and best eaten during dinner or you can also make brewed lettuce with mint just before heading to bed. This is a proven food that can help you sleep in no time.
Rice is a food that is proven to stimulate sleep. Because it is high in glycemic index, it can easily make you fall asleep after consuming a cup of rice on dinner. If you want to fall asleep faster, a type of rice that can do the task is jasmine rice.
Pretzels and other foods high in glycemic index can increase blood sugar and insulin levels that also aid tryptophan's release that will make sleep easier.
Tuna, salmon and halibut are fish sources that are rich in vitamin B6. These foods with vitamin B6 help in producing serotonin and melatonin, the hormone in the brain that triggers sleep.
Walnuts are rich source of tryptophan. It is a powerful amino acid that enhances sleep by making melatonin and serotonin in the brain. These are "body clock" hormone that sets your sleeping pattern. Melatonin is a known induce-sleeping hormone that would keep sleepless nights at bay.
Tart cherry juice is proven to induce sleep based on a study done at the Louisiana State University. Older adults drinking at least 8 ounces of tart cherry juice twice a day sleeps longer than those on placebos. Tart Cherry juice is house to melatonin and antioxidants that make sleep easier to attain.
Whole grain toast with Almond butter is a sure combination that can make you fall asleep. One tablespoon of Almond butter is rich source of magnesium that induces sleeping. Magnesium is present in many foods including almonds, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, and green leafy vegetables. People lacking in magnesium finds it hard to sleep based on studies. Whole grain is also a rich source of magnesium.
Aside from the foods that can help you sleep better, certain habits and lifestyle changes must also be done for you to have a healthy sleeping habit.
Avoid watching TV or using your computer and other gadgets during your sleeping time, you can also avoid foods that contain tyramine such as pork, chocolates, tomatoes, potatoes and wine that easily converts to noradrenaline, a brin stimulant.
Avoid stimulants like cigarette because nicotine makes smokers stay awake longer at night.