Monday, September 26, 2011

Trucking Accidents Caused by Undiagnosed & Untreated Sleeping Disorders

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear about trucking accidents is road rage or weather related road conditions. Although many trucking accidents are caused by road rage and stormy weather conditions, there are an increasing number of accidents caused by sleep apnea.

According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are 100,000 accidents caused by driver fatigue. The good news is sleep apnea can be detected through medical testing.

In addition to mandatory drug testing by trucking companies, truck drivers must undergo screening for sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea. Trucking companies that fail to comply with government regulations could be fined heavily.

Sleep apnea while driving doesn’t just affect truck drivers, it also affects motor vehicle drivers. The more people are educated about the harmful effects of sleep apnea, the fewer accidents will occur on the road.

Do you have sleep apnea?
The only way a person can tell whether or not they have sleep apnea is by getting a diagnosis from a doctor. Here are a few common symptoms of sleep apnea:

  • Loud snoring (severe)
  • Day-time drowsiness
  • Episodes of not breathing during sleep
  • Tossing and turning during sleep
  • Nighttime choking
  • Memory loss
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches (morning or night)
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Chest pain and sweating while sleeping

There are a variety of treatment options for sleep apnea suffers. One of the most effective treatments is the oral appliance. Oral appliances have helped many patients regain control of their sleep. There’s nothing more satisfying than getting a good nights sleep.

Central Jersey Dental Sleep Medicine is proud to provide medical benefits for Sleep Apnea Treatment, to those patients who meet the Medicare qualifications. Visit our website for additional information on Sleep Apnea Treatments and Alternatives to CPAP at Call our office at 732-251-7766 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Norman Blumenstock, to find out if you qualify for benefits through Medicare or your personal insurance plan.