The Cost & Consequences of 168 Million Sleep-Deprived Drivers
There are countless driving hazards every time we get behind the wheel of a vehicle. But one of the most common can also be the most deadly: driving while drowsy.
While texting and driving and drinking and driving are widespread and deadly problems, drowsy driving is even more pervasive in the U.S. More than a third of Americans fell asleep behind the wheel of a car last year, and there are 42 drowsy drivers for every one drunk driver on the road.
Drowsy driving accounts for hundreds of thousands of auto accidents, injuries and deaths, as well as billions of dollars in monetary losses every year. Driving while sleep deprived can even cause impairment that rivals driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The infographic below explores the costs and consequences of drowsy driving across the U.S.
Source: Law Offices of Daniel R. Rosen.