(credit: American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine)
FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - If you’re having trouble in the bedroom, you might not need to look any further than your nose for the solution. A recent survey from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine found that more than a quarter of Americans are annoyed — even angered — by a snoring bed partner.
The study looked at more than 1,000 randomly selected adults.
One out of five people surveyed added that the noise drives them out of bed. But the problems do not end there. Nearly one out 10 people admitted that snoring has hurt at least one past romantic relationship. And, guys, some 40 percent of women cited snoring as a turn off.
“It can be embarrassing,” stated AADSM president Kathleen Bennett in a news release on the study’s findings. “Snoring can often be the elephant in the room when it comes to addressing relationship frustrations and health concerns.”
People in the Generation X age range (35-44) reported the highest number of snoring struggles, with 43 percent saying that their partner’s snoring forces them to lose sleep, and 24 percent adding that they do — or would like to — sleep in a different room.
But many snorers are not even aware that they are making the noise. “It’s important that your significant other is made aware of their snoring,” Bennett added, “and the effects it has on you, your relationship and their personal health — so they can begin taking steps to remedy it.”
Frequent snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea, which causes sufferers to stop breathing during their sleep, sometimes for more than a minute. This can increase the risk of other serious health problems — from heart disease to depression, just to name a few.
Click here to find a dentist that can help you — or your loved one — with regular snoring or possible sleep apnea.