Dear Dr. Blumenstock:
I am writing this to let you know what a difference meeting you made in my life.
I am 48 years old. Sometime during the year of my 41st birthday I began to develop a problem with snoring that progressed slowly but by the time I was 47 the effect of the snoring on my lovely wife and children was becoming a severe aggravation. My wife Maria tried to adapt to my snoring by using ear plugs. This worked temporarily but ear plugs would get misplaced. The novelty effect of the ear plugs eventually wore off and they became a nuisance to her. Each morning my two sons would report to me about the volume of my snoring. It was very unpleasant for them. I resolved to relocate to the downstairs couch to sleep at night. While there I felt isolated from my wife and children.
I was in excellent physical condition, was not overweight, had recently completed the NY Marathon, and yet 2 sleep studies confirmed a sleep apnea and snoring problem. Because of the shape of my face and nose I was not a good candidate for a C-PAP device. Even if I was, I did not look forward lugging around a boxy electrical appliance for the rest of my life. I was getting used to feeling tired, I stopped running, and was letting myself get out of shape. After my last sleep study in December 2008 I was referred to you but hesitated to take action because I was still convinced I could work out this problem on my own. By February 2009 I was in poor physical condition. I had no more motivation to run because I burned myself out running and learned that all the running in the world could not help me eliminate the snoring. I resented sleeping on the couch away from my family. It began to “get to me,” and I was unpleasant to be with. I was becoming tempted to blame my family for my situation. Here I was blessed with a wonderful family yet I was feeling tired, resentful, and miserable all of the time.
In late March 2009 I finally decided I needed to see someone for help regarding the snoring. I made an appointment to see you in April. At the appointment I was impressed by the courtesy and professionalism of your staff. Even more important was when you and I discussed my problem. After I explained my situation you responded and I listened critically to what you had to say. By the time we were finished talking I was convinced that maybe someone like you, with your accumulated years of knowledge and experience in treating sleep apnea and the resulting issues, could help me.
By the next appointment you were fitting me with the EMA Appliance and by May I was no longer snoring. Not only did you provide me with an appliance that works and that I can carry around in a pocket but you also explained physiology of my particular problem and explained which sleeping positions would help me get the most out of the appliance. I resolved to do exactly what you told me to do. Armed with these tools I moved back upstairs with my family. I am not snoring any more. I feel refreshed when I awake each morning and once again I enjoy the sport of running. The quality of my life with my family is wonderful again and I have you to thank for it. Very truly yours, Daniel.
- Daniel T.
New Brunswick, NJ