For years, loud snoring has been a go-to joke in movies and television shows and many families have been affected by the "loud snorer" in the household. In fact, family members and friends are commonly the first people to realize that someone snores loudly, which can lead to denial and arguments. But loud snores may not just be a joke or an irritation: loud snoring may be the first sign of sleep apnea, a medical condition where breathing temporarily stops.
Sometimes, loud snoring may occur because there is a blockage of some kind in the upper airway. The air that is able to pass results in a loud 'snoring' sound. The resulting silence after a period of snoring is when the sleep apnea, lack of breathing, takes place. This happens because very little or no air is passing through the airway. When the snoring starts again, it usually begins with gasping or a sharp snort as the body tries to take in air around the blockage once more.
There are other factors involved in sleep apnea, but loud snoring can be one of the first signs, if not the first. People can have sleep apnea for years without knowing it. If you have any reason to believe that you are a "loud snorer", or have a loved one who snores loudly through the night, fill out our questionnaire and find out if an appointment with Dr. Blumenstock would be beneficial.
Read more on snoring solutions